Do I need a SOC 1 Type I or a SOC 1 Type II Report?

by Joseph Kirkpatrick / February 7, 2023

When considering having a SOC 1 audit performed, there are two different report options available. Knowing whether you need a SOC 1 Type I or a SOC 1 Type II report will depend on your client's needs and timing constraints. What’s the difference between a SOC 1 Type I and a SOC 1 Type II report? A SOC 1 Type I and a SOC 1 Type II both report on…

PCI DSS: New Requirements in 2018

by Sarah Harvey / October 6, 2023

What are the New PCI Requirements? Nine new PCI DSS requirements will became required as of February 1, 2018. While there are only nine new items, they could have a significant impact on your environment. If you have not already started to work on these items, you are likely already behind. In this webinar, Jeff Wilder will discuss how to prepare for and implement these requirements. The new PCI DSS…

Everything You Need to Know About SOC 1 Audits

by Sarah Harvey / April 12, 2023

Are you being asked by a top client for a SOC 1 audit report? What is a SOC 1 report? Do you need a SOC 1 audit? Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about SOC 1 audit reports and learn how your organization can benefit from having a SOC 1 report and what you can expect from your SOC 1 audit process. What is a SOC report? Developed…

What is a SOC 1 Audit and Why Do I Need One?

by Joseph Kirkpatrick / February 7, 2023

Have you had a client tell your organization that it needs to have a SOC 1 audit performed? If your immediate reaction was, "What is a SOC 1?", that's completely normal. You're in the right place! Have you ever had your boss ask you "What is a SOC 1 audit?" and need a project timeline as soon as possible? You're also in the right place! Have you seen competitors announce…

Equifax Breach: Five Takeaways to Avoid a Cyberattack

by Sarah Harvey / December 19, 2022

Equifax, one of the three largest consumer credit reporting agencies in the U.S., announced last week that a web application flaw exposed 143 million customer records to malicious hackers. Although not the largest breach in size, the Equifax breach may be the largest to date in severity considering the type of PII that was exposed. While mixed reports are speculating over the cause of the breach, criticisms are rising over…