PCI DSS Requirement 1.2.2: Secure and Synchronize Router Configuration Files

by KirkpatrickPrice / December 22, 2022

What is PCI Requirement 1.2.2? PCI DSS Requirement 1.2.2 states, “Secure and synchronize router configuration files.” This requirement focuses on enforcing the security and controls surrounding your organization’s firewall and router configurations. Before your PCI DSS assessment, your organization needs to determine, “Are our router and configuration files secured from unauthorized access?” There is a significant amount of information located within those configuration files; authentication information, certificates, keys, etc. This…

PCI DSS Requirement 1.2.1: Restrict Traffic to that which is Necessary

by KirkpatrickPrice / February 7, 2023

What is PCI Requirement 1.2.1? PCI DSS Requirement 1.2.1 focuses around organizations developing policies and procedures that restrict traffic to that which is absolutely necessary, both inbound and outbound, for business purposes. PCI Requirement 1.2.1 states, “Restrict inbound and outbound traffic to that which is necessary for the cardholder data environment, and specifically deny all other traffic.” The goal of PCI Requirement 1.2.1 is to limit traffic to only essential,…

PCI DSS Requirement 1.2: Restrict Connections to Untrusted Networks

by KirkpatrickPrice / December 22, 2022

PCI Requirement 1.2 states, “Build firewall and router configurations that restrict connections between untrusted networks and any system components in the cardholder data environment.” The PCI DSS considers any network that is out of your organization’s ability to control, or external to your organization’s network, as untrustworthy. Assessors will take the data found in PCI Requirement 1.1.6, which is your organization’s authorized ports, protocols, and services, and compare that data…

PCI DSS Requirement 1.1.7: Review Firewall and Router Rule Sets

by KirkpatrickPrice / December 22, 2022

What is PCI Requirement 1.1.7? There are several sub-requirements under the umbrella of Requirement 1. PCI Requirement 1.1.7 states that organizations should “review firewall and router rule sets at least every six months.” This requirement includes verifying that the firewall and router configuration standards and documentation relating to rule set reviews and personnel interviews are reviewed every six months. Unpacking PCI Requirement 1.1.7 How Does PCI Requirement 1.1.7 Impact PCI…

PCI DSS Requirement 1.1.6: Documentation of Business Justification and Approval

by KirkpatrickPrice / December 22, 2022

What is PCI Requirement 1.1.6? Your organization needs to restrict inbound and outbound traffic in and out of sensitive environments.  PCI DSS Requirement 1.1.6 relates specifically to the documentation of business justification and approval for use of all services, ports, and protocols. PCI DSS v3.2 insists that organizations restrict inbound and outbound traffic to and from sensitive areas to only that which is needed for business purposes. We find that…