What is Network Penetration Testing?

by Sarah Harvey / December 15, 2022

Gartner says that by 2020, 60% of digital businesses will suffer from service failures due to their IT security teams’ inability to manage digital risk. What does this mean for your business? Is your organization defending its network from cyber threats? Are you performing network penetration testing to validate your security efforts? What is network penetration testing, and should you be doing internal or external? Let's discuss. Internal vs. External…

What is an Independent Opinion in Auditing?

by Joseph Kirkpatrick / June 15, 2023

In order for an audit to comply with regulations, it must be conducted by an auditor with an independent opinion. What is an independent opinion? It’s an auditor’s unbiased, objective stance towards an organization which leads to an accurate, credible report on an organization’s security and compliance. Any type of information security audit needs to have an independent auditor, but especially in the case of a CPA performing SOC 1…

Why is Information Security So Important in Healthcare?

by Sarah Harvey / June 15, 2023

The goal of the healthcare industry has always been to provide quality patient care. To do so, healthcare organizations have invested in state-of-the-art technology and highly-educated personnel, but there’s still one thing that many in the healthcare industry have failed to do: invest in robust information security management programs. In fact, almost on a daily basis, there’s headline after headline reporting of new healthcare data breaches impacting the PHI of…

Breach Report 2019 – July

by Sarah Harvey / December 15, 2022

Regardless of the size or industry of organizations, every month there is headline after headline reporting about new data breaches. Whether it’s a ransomware attack, a negligent employee opening a phishing email, or a state-sponsored attack, millions of individuals are impacted by data breaches and security incidents on a regular basis. Let’s take a look at some of the top data breaches that occurred during July and the lessons we…

4 Reasons to Start a PCI Audit Right Now

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Let's face it: our society is becoming more reliant on cashless payment systems, from payment cards to contactless pay. With this digital focus, the security of cardholder data is top of mind to consumers. In fact, according to Pew Research Center, “41% of Americans have encountered fraudulent charges on their credit cards.” If your business cannot prove that your services are secure, why would consumers choose to do business with…