Planning your HIPAA Risk Analysis

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Preparing for HIPAA compliance can be an overwhelming undertaking if you’re uncertain where to begin. Starting with a formal risk analysis can help you determine how your current security posture stands up against HIPAA laws while creating a roadmap leading you towards compliance. Why is HIPAA Risk Analysis Important? Why is risk analysis important? First and foremost, a risk analysis is important because it is a requirement under the HIPAA…

Planning Your Risk Analysis

by KirkpatrickPrice / April 12, 2023

What Does A Complete Risk Analysis Planning Process Look Like? Why are we spending time on three separate sessions about risk analysis? A formal risk analysis is required under the Security Rule, it's something organizations consistently struggle with, and it has benefits beyond meeting the Security Rule requirement. Let's get started.  In this session, we’ll discuss the five key elements of planning a HIPAA risk analysis. Goal: There are…

5 Ways to Help Employees be #PrivacyAware

by Sarah Harvey / December 19, 2022

Data Privacy Day is here and an important reminder of the value of privacy and security when it comes to protecting our data, both at home and within the workplace. Getting our employees involved in the conversation about being #PrivacyAware is a good place to start in creating a culture of privacy within your organization. Follow us on Twitter @KPAudit to join the conversation and share how you help employees…

Make Cyber Risk a Priority with these Six Tips

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Cyber risk has become a hot button issue of today, especially among business owners and stakeholders. With the threat landscape constantly changing and evolving, it’s challenging to stay ahead of these threats and be prepared to ensure the privacy and security of the data we’re responsible for. We can all help each other strive towards common goals of cybersecurity and privacy by starting with the following six tips for making…

6 Tips on How to Pass an Audit in Q4

by Sarah Harvey / December 19, 2022

The end of the year is rapidly approaching, and so is the deadline for those completing a Q4 audit! It’s not hard to imagine what Santa and his Elves feel like as they rush around to get everything in order and ready for their big day. Just as the Elves help Santa to ensure everything gets done in time, our auditors are committed to helping you make sure you have…