What’s Going On With the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement?

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

The Latest With Privacy Shield On July 16, the Court of Justice for the European Union made a landmark decision to invalidate the EU-US Privacy Shield arrangement for international data transfers. Prior to this announcement, Privacy Shield was one of several mechanisms for meeting GDPR data protection requirements for data leaving the EU for the US. The Court’s decision impacts the thousands of organizations participating in and relying on Privacy…

business people walking

Guide to Industry-Accepted Hardening Standards

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

The goal of systems hardening is to further protect your organization by reducing vulnerabilities in your applications, systems, and information technology infrastructure. By doing so, you’re creating less opportunity for malicious attacks and operational malfunctions because you are removing unnecessary programs, applications, and access points that increase the security of your system. Just as removing unnecessary hazards on a busy interstate increases traffic flow and reduces risk of accidents, removing…

5 Network Monitoring Tools and Techniques

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Network monitoring is an important piece of information security that every organization should be implementing. Using helpful network monitoring tools, you can track performance issues and security problems to mitigate potential issues quickly. But, with such a saturated market, it can be overwhelming to choose a network monitoring tool that best fits your organization. To help you better track and monitor the security of your network continuously, we’ve pulled together…

Anti-Virus Best Practices: 5 Tools to Protect You

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Anti-virus versus anti-malware - what’s the difference? These two categories of protective tools are often misunderstood. It stems from confusion between viruses and malware. A virus is code that can damage your computer, system, and data by copying itself. Malware is used as a catch-all term for malicious software such as spyware, ransomware, trojans, adware, worms, and viruses. Malware is ever evolving whereas viruses have been around for a long…

Best Practices for Vulnerability Scanning

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Vulnerability management should be a priority in any organization’s information security program so that there's an established approach for identifying and rating issues affecting in-scope systems in a given environment. Vulnerability scans are a main component of vulnerability management, allowing you to evaluate your systems, software, and infrastructure for unpatched holes and gaps in need of remediation. Let’s talk through some best practices for vulnerability scanning to help you protect…