Secure Your City: Public Safety

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

The components of every city’s public safety – law enforcement, fire, EMS – must perform their due diligence and meet best practices when creating effective cybersecurity strategies. Each department is targeted for different reasons, but each one impacts the safety of residents. You’d be surprised by how often cyber attacks against public safety happens and how little it’s talked about. Let’s take a look at five reasons why cybersecurity is…

Secure Your City: Public Transit

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Public transit is integral to metropolitan areas. The public transit sector ranges from buses to trains, overground systems, underground systems, light rails, ferries, and more. New York’s Subway, London’s Underground, and Paris’ Métro are hallmarks of the cities’ cultures. But the growing dependence on and integration between public transit and technology opens up new areas of risks to cities with public transit systems. If a public transit system is compromised…

3 Types of Social Engineering Attacks on the Financial Services Industry: Would Your Employees Fall for Them?

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

Providing quality customer service is crucial for the financial services industry, but there are many potential pitfalls when your employees go above and beyond for your customers. Consider the number of sensitive assets that banks rely on every day to conduct business: Social Security numbers, credit information, PINs, cardholder data, mailing addresses, email addresses, account balances, and more. It’s all available and accessible to employees, which means that it’s susceptible…

Ethical Hacking: Lessons Learned from Education Systems

by Sarah Harvey / February 20, 2023

What Security Threats Do Education Institutions Face? In today’s threat landscape, there’s no excuse for any industry to not be aware of the advancing cyber threats they’re faced with. For education institutions, this could be malware, ransomware, internal attacks, targeted attacks, and so much more. In this webinar, one of our expert penetration testers, Stuart Rorer, discusses why the education sector needs to be concerned about security risks, gives real-life…

Secure Your City: Energy Sources

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Cybersecurity attacks can strike where you least expect them. Would you expect the energy sector to be a target? The U.S. Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) states, “In today’s highly interconnected world, reliable energy delivery requires cyber-resilient energy delivery systems. In fact, the nation’s security, economic prosperity, and the well-being our citizens depends on reliable energy infrastructure.” The energy sector literally powers any city; it is…