Who Should Perform Your Cloud Audit?

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

The evolution of the cloud presents new security issues every day. As more and more organizations migrate user data to the cloud, it drives both cloud service customers and providers to consider how the cloud will impact the privacy and security of data. How does your organization secure your cloud environment? Just like any type of technology or IT operation, the security of your service needs to be validated by…

3 Hacks to Get the Most Out of Your Penetration Test

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

Investing in regular penetration testing is oftentimes a hard pill to swallow. You’re paying someone to break into your networks, systems, or applications. You might find that your secure technology isn’t as secure as you thought. Your ever-changing, complex environment might create more vulnerabilities than expected. Plus, you might not even be sure what you need or who should perform the testing. Though undergoing penetration testing may seem daunting, there’s…

Requirements for GDPR Data Processing Agreement

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

The GDPR has quickly reshaped attitudes towards data privacy around the world and has given EU data subjects more autonomy over how their data is used than ever before. Personal data increasingly flows between organizations because most businesses partner outsource some aspect of their business functions, creating webs of responsibility and oversight. However, with many ambiguous requirements for data controllers, processors, and sub-processors, entities might still have questions about certain…

Top 4 Information Security Concerns for Shared Working Spaces

by Sarah Harvey / June 15, 2023

From WeWork, Impact Hub, and Knotel to Serendipity Labs, Green Desk, and Techspace, coworking spaces are revolutionizing how people work. A shared working space, or a coworking space, is an environment that fosters collaboration by allowing companies and employees of all sizes and industries to share equipment, offices, and in some cases, ideas. These coworking spaces offer a variety of benefits including flexible leasing or membership options, more affordable working…

Key Takeaways from the SEC’s Cybersecurity Guidance

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

In February 2018, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) affirmed something we know to be true: as organizations rely more and more on technology, the frequency and complexity of cybersecurity threats continue to increase. The SEC issued interpretive cybersecurity guidance, which builds upon the Division of Corporation Finance’s guidance from 2011, for public companies to follow when dealing with cybersecurity incidents and risks. This cybersecurity guidance communicates several major…