PCI Readiness Series: PCI Requirement 11
PCI Requirement 11: Validating Your Security Program
This session in our PCI Readiness series focuses on Requirement 11. This requirement requires regular monitoring and testing of security systems and processes, which validates an organization’s risk/threat management program and determines if it’s functioning correctly. To successfully validate your system, scans should validate your risk identification and risk ranking program. Internal scan results should be used to address risk through your risk management program.
The sub-requirements of Requirement 11 include:
PCI Requirement 11.1 – Identify rogue wireless devices that may have been placed in your environment, at least quarterly. You must keep a list of what is authorized so you can define what isn’t authorized. Physical inspection is the best way to meet this objective.
PCI Requirement 11.2 – Every 90 days you are required to scan for internal and external vulnerabilities. Also, any time a significant change is made to your environment, you must perform a scan.
PCI Requirement 11.3 – You must perform a penetration test at least annually and after any time a significant change is made. It must be performed by a qualified individual, cover internal and external, cover the application and network layers, validate if the segmentation is effective, and keep the results of the test and remediation for your audit.
PCI Requirement 11.4 – Install an IPS ISD at the perimeter and at critical locations within the CDE. It needs to be configured and maintained according to the manufacturer standards. It can also be host-based IPS IDS.
PCI Requirement 11.5 – Install a File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) Solution, which needs to monitor critical files and needs to run analysis at least weekly and follow-up on any expectations.
To learn more about PCI compliance, check out our PCI Demystified video resources or contact us today.