Meet the Auditors

Audits are hard. Suzette makes sure it’s worth it.

Suzette Corley

Privacy Practitioner | CIPM, CDPP

Suzette is a successful data privacy professional with extensive experience and a solid track record in GDPR, GLBA, FERPA, FCRA, ECPA, COPPA, CCPA, CPRA, CDPA, LGPD, CPA, VCDPA, and most recently UCPA. Suzette has demonstrated abilities defining data protection, driving policy development, and creating privacy governance routines and reporting, all of which improve her audit experience. She is also familiar with international laws related to business and privacy having spent three months on the ground in the UK leading the work to implement the GDPR control framework for that region.

While Suzette has built many programs to support data privacy, her passion is working with clients to incorporate these programs in a way that makes businesses more successful.

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Fun Fact

Suzette is related to Alexander Hamilton (yes, that A. Ham!) and loves historic architecture.


Check out the resources Suzette has created!

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