Online Audit Manager

Achieving SOC 2 and HIPAA Compliance with the Online Audit Manager

by Sarah Harvey / September 6, 2023

Multi-Audit Delivery for ProntoForms Because of the complexity of today’s security threats, many organizations must pursue multiple compliance goals to protect their systems. Take ProntoForms, a low-code application platform that helps users deploy field apps to reliably complete field work and collect data that bolsters field service, fleet, safety, and asset management systems. ProntoForms’ users are often in environments with complex equipment and processes, like hospitals, construction sites, heavy manufacturing…

Data Backup Best Practices: 4 Things You Need to Know

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Data Backups and Recovery Go Hand-in-Hand When a data breach happens at your organization - whether you’re hit by a ransomware attack, an advanced DoS attack, or an internal actor mistakenly deletes company records - you need to ensure that your data is properly backed up. A data backup is an updated copy of your company’s data that is stored in a separate system or medium (i.e. file, hard drive,…

The SOC Audit Process: Tackling Type I and Type II Reports

by Sarah Harvey / June 13, 2023

So you’ve decided whether you need a SOC 1 or a SOC 2 audit…what’s next? You need to decide where you’ll begin the SOC audit process. With a gap analysis? What are the SOC report types? A Type I? A Type II? Let’s discuss KirkpatrickPrice’s method for completing Type I and Type II audits. SOC Report Types: Type I and Type II FAQs No matter the SOC report types needed…

Security Within Your Development, Staging, and Production Environments

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

When information security, data security, and cybersecurity measures aren’t followed in development, staging, and production environments, the consequences can be detrimental. We’ve seen that time and time again. Last year, a bug bounty discovered a data breach at Imperva – a leading provider of firewall services. How did it happen? An unauthorized user stole an administrative API key from a production AWS account. What was the mistake behind Uber’s 2016…

The 2020 Iowa Caucus Coding Errors: A Failed Attempt to Modernize Elections

by Sarah Harvey / November 14, 2023

In a day and age where mobile apps are heavily relied on for business, social interaction, and everyday activities, we have to ask: is there really a place for mobile apps in our election system? Or, more importantly, do we emphasize the security of mobile apps enough to allow them to play such a critical role in our elections? The Iowa caucus coding errors revealed at the 2020 Iowa caucuses…