How to Hire a CPA Firm for Information Security Audits

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

What Type of CPA Firm is Right for You? Before choosing an audit firm to work with, you must understand why, for some types of audits, you need a CPA firm to perform the services. Clients and prospects ask us all the time why accountants are allowed to perform information security audits. We understand the confusion behind this sentiment and want to provide some clarity. The AICPA’s SOC suite –…

What is Cybersecurity?

by Shannon Lane / October 11, 2023

What is cybersecurity, and why does it matter? The answer boils down to this: it’s a commitment to ensuring that the trust placed in your business by your clientele is warranted, understood, and treated as the precious commodity it is. It is a commitment to the understanding that you will do everything in your power to protect your clients from those who would do them harm, and that you will…

How Mobile Devices Impact Protected Health Information

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

The use of mobile devices has absolutely transformed healthcare. Have you ever checked into a walk-in clinic on a tablet? Has a doctor shown you X-rays through a digital screen, rather than on film? Have you paid a medical bill through an app? Mobile devices are altering patient care. The need for mobility in healthcare settings is pervasive and the security threats that mobile devices pose are only going to…

How to Lead a Cybersecurity Initiative

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Are you a CISO, CCO, ISO, or member of the IT department that’s building and leading a cybersecurity strategy? Don’t know where to start? The foundation of a cybersecurity strategy should be built on basic principles of security – patch management, risk assessment, network monitoring, vulnerability management. From there, you must cultivate awareness of the evolving threat landscape, observe regulatory responses, continue to train and invest in your team, and…

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: How to Avoid a Crash Landing

by Randy Bartels / June 14, 2023

I Piloted an Emergency Landing, and So Can You It can be easy to put business continuity and disaster recovery planning on the back burner if your organization has never been affected by a disaster. But what would happen if a power outage, tornado, or data breach hit your organization and you didn’t have any plan in place? Disaster strikes when you’re least expecting it. It’s critical that you ensure…