How to Write a Privacy Policy

by Sarah Harvey / March 20th, 2020

The Importance of Privacy Policies in Today’s Data-Centric Landscape It’s no secret that data is now the most valuable asset worldwide. With nearly all…

Most Common Privacy Gaps

by Sarah Harvey / December 19th, 2019

As more and more governing bodies are implementing data privacy laws, it’s becoming even more important for organizations to mitigate gaps in their systems…

Breach Notification in New York: The SHIELD Act

by Sarah Harvey / December 16th, 2019

On July 25, 2019, New York Governor Cuomo signed the Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act which amends the state’s breach…

CCPA Compliance and Your Marketing Team

by Sarah Harvey / November 26th, 2019

CCPA Implications for Marketing It’s no secret that digital marketing is undergoing a major transformation – one that is centered on giving consumers more…