Top 10 Ways to Prepare for Your SOC 1 Audit

by Tori Thurmond / May 20, 2024

If your customers rely on you to protect consumer information, chances are you may be asked to produce a SOC 1 audit report. A SOC 1 audit reports on the controls at an organization that are relevant to, or may affect, a client’s financial statements. This reporting framework is designed to demonstrate that an organization has proper internal controls and processes in place to address information security and compliance risks.…

Combining SOC 1 and PCI Audits

by Sarah Harvey / June 13, 2023

When a breach occurs in the financial services industry, it costs the compromised organization $210 per breached record – which is why we get a lot of questions about SOC 1 and PCI audits from organizations in the financial services industry. How can you protect your data from threats? Should your company complete both audits? Are you able to consolidate multiple audits into one project? KirkpatrickPrice has developed the Online…

Combining SOC 1, SOC 2, and PCI Audits

by Sarah Harvey / June 13, 2023

An organization may choose a combined SOC 1, SOC 2, and PCI audit for many reasons. First, there are compliance requirements. A PCI audit may be mandatory, but too narrow of a scope to be useful to user entities, so a SOC 1 or SOC 2 is needed. Second, there are logistical reasons. If you have to go through all three audits, why not consolidate the effort into one process?…

The SOC Audit Process: Tackling Type I and Type II Reports

by Sarah Harvey / June 13, 2023

So you’ve decided whether you need a SOC 1 or a SOC 2 audit…what’s next? You need to decide where you’ll begin the SOC audit process. With a gap analysis? What are the SOC report types? A Type I? A Type II? Let’s discuss KirkpatrickPrice’s method for completing Type I and Type II audits. SOC Report Types: Type I and Type II FAQs No matter the SOC report types needed…

business people walking

Combining SOC 1 and SOC 2 Audits

by Sarah Harvey / June 13, 2023

We get a lot of questions about SOC 1 and SOC 2 audits. What’s the difference between the two? Should your company do both? Are you able to consolidate multiple audits into one project? KirkpatrickPrice has developed the Online Audit Manager to make it easier to combine multiple audits into one project. Let’s talk through why and how you would take on the project of a combined SOC 1 and…