PCI Readiness Series: PCI Requirements 5 and 6

by KirkpatrickPrice / December 19, 2022

This session in our PCI Readiness Series highlights PCI Requirements 5 and 6, which work together to help organizations build and maintain a vulnerability management program. PCI Requirement 5 states, "Protect all systems against malware and regularly update anti-virus software or programs." PCI Requirement 6 states, "Develop and maintain secure systems and applications."  What is Requirement 5? There are more people than you think looking to harm your environment.…

PCI Readiness Series: PCI Requirements 3 and 4

by KirkpatrickPrice / December 16, 2022

This session in our PCI Readiness Series focuses on PCI DSS Requirements 3 and 4, which focus on encryption and protecting cardholder data. PCI Requirement 3 states, "Protect stored cardholder data." PCI Requirement 4 states, "Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks."  What is Requirement 3? PCI Requirement 3 gives organizations an opportunity to consider which retained data is required and which is becoming a liability for…

PCI Readiness Series: PCI Requirements 1 and 2

by KirkpatrickPrice / April 12, 2023

Are you a merchant, service provider, or sub-service provider who stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data? If so, this is a great place to be introduced to the PCI DSS. The PCI Security Standards Council is a third-party organization that was developed for the sole purpose of managing the security of cardholder data. Prior to the PCI Security Standards Council, each payment card brand managed their own security standards. Eventually, the payment…