[24]7.ai Cyber Incident: How Your Vendors Can Impact Your Security

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

Vendor Compliance Management: What Happened? On April 4th, [24]7.ai, a customer support software company, announced a cyber incident “potentially affecting the online customer payment information of a small number of our client companies,” that occurred between September 26 and October 12, 2017. This cyber incident specifically occurred in [24]7.ai’s chat tool. Never heard of [24]7.ai? We hadn’t either, but their well-known clients gave this breach national attention. Sears, Delta Air…

GDPR Readiness: Whose Data is Covered by GDPR?

by Sarah Harvey / July 12, 2023

Data FAQs for GDPR Ready to learn what constitutes a data subject and personal data under GDPR? Mark Hinely joins us in this webinar to discuss!  Who is a Data Subject? The definition of a data subject under GDPR is one of the most confusing aspects of the law. There’s no formal definition, inconsistent terms within the law, no formal guidance from Article 29 Working Party, and the supervisory…

PCI Requirement 10.9 – Ensure Security Policies and Procedures for Monitoring All Access to Network Resources and Cardholder Data are Documented, in Use, and Known to All Affected Parties

by Randy Bartels / December 19, 2022

 Implementing PCI Requirement 10 PCI Requirement 10 states, “Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data.” Complying with PCI Requirement 10 is critical to ensuring that you know who had what access to cardholder data. For this requirement, we’ve discussed aspects of tracking and monitoring access to network resources and cardholder data, such as how to implement audit trails, what should be documented in logs, which…

PCI Requirement 10.8.1 – Additional Requirement for Service Providers Only: Respond to Failures of Any Critical Security Controls in a Timely Manner

by Randy Bartels / December 19, 2022

 Responding Failures So, you’ve been alerted of failures of critical security controls…what do you do next? PCI Requirement 10.8.1 requires that you respond to failures of any critical security controls in a timely manner. If not, attacks can take the opportunity to infect your systems. Your organization’s policies and procedures should outline the expected response to failures, which includes: How to restore security functions How to identify and document…

PCI Requirement 10.8 – Additional Requirement for Service Providers Only: Implement a Process for the Timely Detection and Reporting of Failures of Critical Control Systems

by Randy Bartels / December 19, 2022

 Monitoring Failures Without formal processes in place to detect and alert when critical security controls have failed, failures could go undetected for extended periods of time and provide malicious individuals with opportunities to compromise your systems and obtain sensitive data from the cardholder data environment. This is why PCI Requirement 10.8 requires that service providers implement a process for the timely detection and reporting of failures of critical security…