Ethical Hacking: Lessons Learned from Education Systems

by Sarah Harvey / February 20, 2023

What Security Threats Do Education Institutions Face? In today’s threat landscape, there’s no excuse for any industry to not be aware of the advancing cyber threats they’re faced with. For education institutions, this could be malware, ransomware, internal attacks, targeted attacks, and so much more. In this webinar, one of our expert penetration testers, Stuart Rorer, discusses why the education sector needs to be concerned about security risks, gives real-life…

Secure Your City: Energy Sources

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Cybersecurity attacks can strike where you least expect them. Would you expect the energy sector to be a target? The U.S. Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER) states, “In today’s highly interconnected world, reliable energy delivery requires cyber-resilient energy delivery systems. In fact, the nation’s security, economic prosperity, and the well-being our citizens depends on reliable energy infrastructure.” The energy sector literally powers any city; it is…

Top 4 Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Financial Services Industry

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Malicious hackers often have one thing in mind: stealing sensitive data for financial gain. So, what better industry to target than the financial services industry? There’s ample money, systems likely riddled with unknown vulnerabilities, and employees that just aren’t aware of how pervasive today’s cyber threats really are. Because the financial services industry is fueled by large amounts of sensitive data, organizations need to be cognizant of all of the…

Top 5 Cyber-Secure Cities in the US and Abroad

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

The growing cyber threats across the globe are a sobering reminder that no matter where you’re located, hackers will find a way to exploit your business – or worse, an entire city. Cities all over the US, including major metropolitan areas like Atlanta, San Francisco, and Dallas, have all experienced some type of data breach or security incident, heightening the urgency for cities to place more of an emphasis on…

Breach Notification: Who, When, Why

by Sarah Harvey / February 20, 2023

With GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, HIPAA, and the numerous other state-level data privacy laws going into effect, it is understandable why many organizations don’t know where to start with their breach notification processes. In fact, even if your organization is compliant with these laws and regulations, knowing what to do when a breach happens can be tricky. In this webinar, our Director of Regulatory Compliance, Mark Hinely, explains who needs to…