Cybersecurity Expectations for Financial Institutions

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

Social Security numbers, credit information, account balances, PINs, cardholder data, mailing addresses, email addresses – it’s all available to financial institutions. Malicious attackers targeting financial institutions isn’t a new threat. In 1984, someone stole a credit file password from Sears for TRW Information Systems and posted it on an electronic bulletin board. This password gave access to a credit file containing names, addresses, birth dates, credit limits, and Social Security…

You’re a Target for Cyber Attacks No Matter Your Business Size

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

It’s no secret that cyber threats are advancing at an alarming rate. Whether it’s through social engineering, malware, zero-day attacks, or DDoS attacks, every organization - no matter their size or industry - is at risk. While enterprise-level organizations are more likely to have the resources needed to mitigate these advancing threats, small businesses and startups alike must recognize that they are equally as likely to face a data breach…

How Can Employees in the Hospitality Industry Look Out for Social Engineering Attempts?

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

Employees in the hospitality industry are trained to meet needs, so it doesn’t take much effort for hackers to take advantage of their willingness to help. Employees are so valuable, but they can also be your weakest link. How much customer service is too much? When should an employee become suspicious of a guest or visitor’s behavior? Unfortunately, not often enough. What is Social Engineering? How sure are you that…

What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Always Stay in Vegas: Is Your Data Being Protected?

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

What do cities like Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Monte Carlo, and Macau all have in common? They’re some of the most lucrative cities in the world for gambling, which means that they all are at risk for data breaches. Whether it’s the casinos themselves or the hotels connected to the casinos, there are sensitive assets to be stolen. Let’s take a look at why the gaming industry is at such…

Ohio Takes on Cybersecurity with the CyberOhio Initiative

by Sarah Harvey / June 14, 2023

The threat of a cyberattack is something all businesses must be cognizant of, but unfortunately, many are not. As it has become increasingly challenging to understand and implement cybersecurity best practices, states across the US are beginning to roll out cybersecurity initiatives aimed at helping businesses combat advancing cyber threats. While we’ve touched on the innovative cybersecurity initiatives like the ones that New York has implemented, Ohio is paving the…