Making Sense of the Different Audit Frameworks

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

SSAE 16, SOC 2, HIPAA, PCI DSS, FISMA, ISO 27001. We've all heard of the Alphabet Soup, but what do they all really mean? Which one is right for me? Which one should I pursue? Why would I get this audit over that audit? As auditors, these are the questions we are most frequently asked. To help answer these questions and truly familiarize you with the different audit frameworks, we've broken down…

Social Media Security Best Practices

by Sarah Harvey / June 13, 2023

Many users of popular social media sites do not realize the potential risks they expose themselves to while using and participating in social networking. Most users develop a "dangerous level of assumed trust" with other users of these sites, regardless of whether or not they have actually verified their identities. This is why it is a good idea for businesses to put into place social media policies for employees to…

Top 4 Critical Components of an Effective Call Monitoring Program

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

Are you looking to gain insight into how you can establish an effective call monitoring program for your organization? Are you curious about what the best practice are for developing a call monitoring program according to CFPB regulations? This webinar will provide an overview of the top four components of an effective call monitoring program and will help answer questions about the structure of your program, the components of your…

Hospital Incident Illustrates 3 Important Security Principles

by Sarah Harvey / December 16, 2022

Technical controls are sometimes illustrated with physical descriptions in order to help the non-technical person understand the concept. A firewall, for example, existed as a physical representation that everyone understood to be the wall that stopped a fire from moving through a building. This term later illustrated the purpose of a technical device blocking unwanted traffic from the Internet. Last fall, in a San Franciscan hospital, an incident occurred in…

Tips for Securing Healthcare Data

by Sarah Harvey / June 15, 2023

It's one thing to suffer one data breach - there is room to recover. Will Anthem survive a second breach? Don't let this happen to you. With the Anthem breach still on the forefront of everyone's minds, as well as the upcoming supervision from the OCR and the new phase of HIPAA audits, we have put together some tips to help get you thinking about what you can do now to…