How to Complete a PCI Audit in 7 Steps

by Hannah Grace Holladay / February 23, 2024

To protect the security of cardholder data, the PCI Security Standards Council requires organizations that work with payment cards to maintain compliance with the PCI DSS. If you’re an entity that stores, processes, or transmits cardholder data, it’s imperative to regularly conduct a PCI audit to ensure compliance. Below, we will define common PCI requirements and discuss the seven steps of conducting a PCI audit. What Is a PCI Audit?…

PCI DSS Compliance: What do PCI SAQ, AoC, and RoC Mean?

by Tori Thurmond / January 8, 2024

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a crucial security framework for businesses that handle cardholder data. Every business that processes, stores, or transmits cardholder data must comply with the framework and undergo an annual PCI DSS assessment to verify it complies.The nature of the assessment ranges from self-assessment to a full on-site PCI DSS audit by a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). It’s critical that businesses understand…

The Most Impactful Changes to PCI DSS v4.0

by Hannah Grace Holladay / March 21, 2024

Auditor Insights Webinar Recap The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards established to protect credit and debit card transactions from fraud and data breaches. The standard is updated regularly to adapt to new security threats and changes in technology. Version 4.0 will be released and required by March 2025.  In this webinar hosted by PCI-expert Randy Bartels, we explore the most impactful…

Expert Insight: The Changes You Need to be Aware of for PCI DSS 4.0 

by Chaz Lively / October 4, 2023

Looking ahead to the looming PCI changes can feel intimidating, but when taken one step at a time, they may be more manageable than you think. There’s still some time before your organization has to completely adopt the PCI DSS 4.0 changes, but if you can start working toward the goal of switching over, your transition can be much smoother.    Here are a few of the big-picture changes that…

What to Consider When Choosing Managed Cloud Security Services

by Hannah Grace Holladay / April 12, 2023

Cloud platforms make it easier for businesses to leverage complex technologies. Instead of buying, configuring, and managing a physical server, you deploy an instance of a server in the cloud. Instead of licensing, installing, and updating enterprise software, you deploy software for the time and purpose that you need through your provider. Cloud platforms provide many technical intricacies through a user interface, but sometimes how and what you should configure…