How to Create a Positive Information Security Culture for Your Workplace

by Hannah Grace Holladay / June 15, 2023

What are the most significant security risks facing your organization? Your answer might include common external threats, such as brute force attacks, phishing attacks, ransomware, supply chain attacks, and attacks against vulnerable software, among many others. But the focus on external security risks misses an important point: External attacks often exploit vulnerabilities created by poor internal security controls and practices.   According to the 2021 Verizon Data Breach Incident Report, 85%…

Protecting Your AWS Cloud Infrastructure with AWS Network Firewall

by Hannah Grace Holladay / February 15, 2023

AWS Network Firewall is a flexible managed firewall and intrusion detection service. It allows AWS users to control network access to resources within an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). We explored AWS Network Firewall and how it complements other AWS firewalls in What is AWS Network Firewall? In this article, we’ll dig a little deeper and show you how to deploy an AWS Network Firewall instance within a VPC hosted…

What is AWS Network Firewall?

by Hannah Grace Holladay / February 15, 2023

Firewalls are among the most useful information security and compliance tools. Their role is to monitor traffic moving between network borders to determine whether it should be allowed to pass. Among other responsibilities, firewalls prevent unauthorized access to networks on which sensitive data is stored, making them an essential tool for businesses seeking to comply with regulations and standards that include HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, SOC 2, and more.  This…

5 Reasons to Migrate Your Data Center to the Cloud

by Hannah Grace Holladay / February 15, 2023

Have you considered moving your business’s data center to the cloud? The proportion of businesses operating an in-house data center declined over the last decade. Many—from small companies to multinational corporations—migrated their workloads to the cloud. Estimates suggest that about a third of businesses run more than 50% of their workloads in the cloud, and the majority run at least some workloads on cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services…

How To Make Data Protection a Competitive Advantage

by Hannah Grace Holladay / February 15, 2023

In 2022, data protection is (or should be) a top priority for any business that collects sensitive data, whether that’s personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, intellectual property, or business information. Regulatory compliance is often the primary motivation for implementing a data protection strategy. The penalties for non-compliance with HIPAA, the GDPR, PCI DSS,  the CCPA, and other data privacy regulations can damage or even destroy a small or medium…