PCI Requirement 12.3 – Develop Usage Policies for Critical Technologies and Define Proper Use of These Technologies

by Randy Bartels / December 16, 2022

 Developing Usage Policies In order to prohibit inappropriate use of devices or technology, PCI Requirement 12.3 requires, “Develop usage policies for critical technologies and define proper use of these technologies.” Critical technologies may be things like laptops, tablets, removable electronic media, or the Internet. If usage policies are not implemented, your personnel could use the critical technologies in a way that violates company policy, allowing malicious individuals to gain…

PCI Requirement 12.2 – Implement a Risk Assessment Process

by Randy Bartels / December 16, 2022

 What is a Risk Assessment? Most information security frameworks require a formally documented, annual risk assessment, and the PCI DSS is no different. PCI Requirement 12.2 focuses on risk assessments. We recommend that you implement a risk assessment process that is based off an industry best practices, but PCI Requirement 12.2 states that you should implement a risk assessment process that includes the following characteristics: Performed annually or after…

PCI Requirement 12.1 & 12.1.1 – Establish, Publish, Maintain, and Disseminate a Security Policy

by Randy Bartels / December 16, 2022

 Establishing an Information Security Policy PCI Requirement 12.1 states, “Establish, publish, maintain, and disseminate a security policy.” Pretty straightforward, right? Guidance on information security policies is the focus of PCI Requirement 12. An organization’s information security policy creates the foundation for implementing security measures to protect valuable assets. To comply with PCI Requirement 12.1, organizations must meet all four steps: establish, publish, maintain, and disseminate. When you’ve determined what’s…

PCI Requirement 12 – Maintain a Policy that Addresses Information Security for All Personnel

by Randy Bartels / December 16, 2022

 We’ve finally made it! Here we are at PCI Requirement 12, the last of the PCI requirements. PCI Requirement 12 states, “Maintain a policy that addresses information security for all personnel.” This requirement is centered around the management of your information security program, which stems from a strong information security policy that sets the tone and expectations for your employees. In order to create a strong information security policy,…

GDPR Readiness: Consent, Privacy Policies, and Enforcement

by Sarah Harvey / July 12, 2023

Confusing Aspects of GDPR Are you unsure how to properly collect data subjects’ consent? Have you seen organizations giving data subjects’ different options for giving their consent? In this webinar, Mark Hinely covers the confusing regarding consent, the regulatory developments since the GDPR enforcement date, and significant litigation to note.  How is Consent Being Collected? Consent is considered the most confusing and misunderstood legal basis for processing personal data.…