What Is an Incident Response Plan? The Collection and Evaluation of Evidence

by Tori Thurmond / August 29, 2023

As of 2022, 83% of organizations have had more than one data breach, costing those organizations millions of dollars in damages. In today's cyber-landscape, companies are no longer wondering if they will ever experience a breach but when a breach will occur. Developing an Incident Response Plan is imperative for when an organization thinks they may have experienced a data security breach or security incident. One of the most important…

Prioritize Information Security 

by Tori Thurmond / May 30, 2023

Often times, information security gets neglected in an organization because it's something that’s hard to understand and feels like a hassle to deal with. Other priorities like financial, marketing and operational risk can feel more manageable than trying to understand the details of your organization’s security.   However, if you’ve been following current events, you’ve probably noticed major data breaches and security events are becoming more frequent. Breaches are inevitable…

The Importance of Quality Testing 

by Tori Thurmond / May 30, 2023

What is quality testing and why is it so important during your audit? Many audits on the market test the bare minimum when it comes to compliance requirements for the different audit frameworks. While a regular audit may technically test what needs to be tested to check off a box, a quality audit makes sure that the controls in place are sufficient and consistently functioning the way they need to…

The Risks and Benefits of Automating Your Audit

by Hannah Grace Holladay / January 10, 2024

Audits are hard, and automation doesn't fix that. Automation can be a really helpful tool in making your audit more manageable, but it doesn't mean an entire quality audit can be completed through automation. You still need an expert to review and test your controls to determine that they are designed and operating effectively. Audit Director Kyle Pardue further explains these risks and benefits in the video below: https://player.vimeo.com/video/815379875?h=8ec038c7c7&badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479 Choose…

Be Prepared for Your Audit 

by Tori Thurmond / May 26, 2023

We understand that you want to have a successful audit engagement whether it’s your first audit or you’ve been through a hundred. Clients often ask us how they can make sure that their audit will be successful. The best way to set yourself up for success in your next audit is to be prepared. As simple as that answer may sound, it’s the truth.   When you understand what will…